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PreBabe is a world-first research study exploring how losing weight prior to pregnancy can improve the long-term health of mothers and babies.

Watch the video to find out more about The PreBabe Research Study.

We are currently recruiting


  • Women aged 18-40
  • Who have a body mass index (BMI) of ≥ 25 (calculate your BMI here)
  • Are interested in pregnancy in the next 6 to 12 months
  • Lives in NSW 

PreBabe is now VIRTUAL across NSW!

If you live anywhere in NSW, we now offer participation through telehealth consults.


Our clinical site teams are based in NSW:

  • Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH)
  • Royal Hospital for Women (RHW)
  • Nepean Hospital


You can choose virtual or if in NSW in-person participation

You can choose virtual or if in nsw in-person participation

Get involved

The study will generate new knowledge for researchers and health care providers to better understand which weight loss approach can best help women with overweight who want to become pregnant.

The results will provide better information for women when making decisions about how to have a safe, healthy pregnancy and birth, and which type of weight loss has the best short and long-term results.

Meet the team

Professor Adrienne Gordon

Professor Adrienne Gordon

PreBabe Chief Principal Investigator

Leading the PreBabe research team, Professor Adrienne Gordon is a senior staff specialist Neonatologist for newborn care and a Clinical Professor in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Neonatology, Child and Adolescent Health. Professor Gordon and her team of experts are passionate about helping to improve the wellbeing and
pregnancy outcomes of mothers and their babies.

Rachelle Sau-Harvey

Rachelle Sau-Harvey

PreBabe Clinical Trial Coordinator

Experienced Clinical Trial Researcher who has been working for over 10 years in the Perinatal Research area. Rachelle’s expertise lies in building a supportive team network which promotes ethical and high quality research outcomes.

Roslyn Muirhead

Roslyn Muirhead

PreBabe Lead Trial Dietitian

An Accredited Practicing Dietician and Lead Trial Dietitian for thePreBabe Pilot and Study. Over 30years of experience working in diabetes, gestational diabetes,
pregnancy and obesity research.

Study Schedule

After your eligibility form has been submitted, a site staff member will contact you to schedule your virtual or in-person (clinic) appointments.


  • Study participants will be allocated to one of the two weight loss programs, each of which runs for 10 weeks.
  • Women in both programs will have three (3) in-person or telehealth consults over the 10 week period with their allocated PreBabe site staff member.
  • Every woman will then be contacted monthly over the next 12 months to ask if they have become pregnant.
  • Blood will be collected for routine pre-pregnancy testing at the beginning and end of the weight-loss period.
  • After the weight-loss phase there will be two short ten minute telehealth appointments at six and twelve months with online questionnaires.
  • Participants will not receive any payment for taking part, but will have the opportunity to take part in a FREE 10 week weight loss program.

Get involved and sign up today!

PreBabe may help you on your pregnancy journey.

Fill out our Eligibility Survey below.


Find out more by clicking on the dropdown questions:

Which weight-loss program will the women be on?

While there are many ways to safely lose weight, this study is testing two different weight loss programs to see which has the best long-term results for women and babies:

1) A combination of meal replacements and conventional healthy meals supported by a trial website

2) Conventional healthy meals supported by telephone coaching calls.

Both approaches are safe and designed for use prior to becoming pregnant. If women become pregnant while on the study, we will help them move safely to a healthy pregnancy eating plan.

Why is overweight or obesity a problem in pregnancy and for the baby?

Although you may be healthy, carrying extra weight at the start of a pregnancy can be associated with complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes, miscarriage and caesarean delivery. Some babies need to be admitted to the special care nursery.


Losing weight prior to pregnancy reduces the risk of these complications and may help you to conceive naturally and may be safer for you and your baby.

What is a randomised control trial (RCT)?

A randomised control trial (RCT) is a trial where the participants are randomly assigned to one of the two treatment groups.

  • Neither the researcher nor the participant decides which of the diets you will follow. This is the best way to test which diet works.
Will my medical records be accessed and how is my privacy detected?
  • All the data and information you provide to the study is treated with confidentiality and will be stored electronically on a research database which is a secure, web-based, non-commercial data management tool hosted and securely maintained on the Sydney Local Health District Servers.
  • At your first clinic visit you will be asked to give consent for the PreBabe researchers to access your de-identified Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data.
What are the risks and benefits of participating in the study?

Both of the diets being tested in the study are known to be safe. The only risk is some discomfort due to the blood collection on visits one and three.

There may be no direct benefit to you however you will receive a preconception consultation and speak to expert health professionals who will support you through the weight-loss phase of the study.

You will contribute to the body of research which will ultimately aim to improve pregnancy outcomes for mothers and babies.

Can I withdraw from the study at any time?

Participation in the study is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time without any impact on your medical treatment or relationship with the health professionals caring for you. We ask that you notify the PreBabe Team.

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